sewing machine
Arts-Based Methods as Tools for Co-design in a South African Community-based Design Co-operative






Zwonaka Sewing Co-operative, Co-Design, Co-Creation, Arts-Based Methods, Social Innovation


Arts and visual participatory methods can be effective tools to facilitate the experience of rural design actors involved in a co-design process that could be seen as contributions to the emerging praxis called “Design Social.” We identify the inclusion of visual processes to co-design and comanufacture Venda-fusion products with members of a South African rural-based sewing group called Zwonaka Sewing Co-operative. The co-design process involved a set of iterations that used visual modes such as Photovoice, painting, photographs, collaging and appliqué to create and market these products. Statements shared by the group members reveal the development of their personal agency, as well as confidence in product design, manufacturing, and ownership of the design process. These are significant outcomes for this particular social context, and we propose that the use of arts and visual methods enhances capacities of reciprocity, creative thinking and ownership through the co-design process.

How to Cite

Mchunu, K., & Berman, K. (2018). Arts-Based Methods as Tools for Co-design in a South African Community-based Design Co-operative. Cubic Journal, 1(1), 34–51.



Author Biographies

Khaya Mchunu, Durban University of Technology

Khaya Mchunu is a Lecturer in the Fashion and Textiles Department at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) in Durban, South Africa. He received his Master’s Degree in Technology: Fine Art from the University of Johannesburg in 2014 for a project undertaken under the Arts-based Approaches for Development programme. He continues to embark in community development and activism through his lecturing and currently facilitates a community engagement project in the Fashion and Textile Department. The project is a partnership with a sewing project called Sewing 4 Africa. The project has been presented widely in conferences around South Africa and has recently been awarded the DUT’s Chancellor’s Award for innovative excellence in engagement.

Kim Berman, University of Johannesburg

Kim Berman is Professor in Visual Art at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and Executive Director of Artist Proof Studio (APS), a community-based printmaking centre in Newtown, Johannesburg which she co-founded APS with the late Nhlanhla Xaba in 1991. She received her B.F.A. from the University of the Witwatersrand in 1981 and her M.F.A. from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts/ Tufts University, USA in 1989. She completed her PhD at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2009. She has lectured and exhibited widely in South Africa and internationally. She is committed to engaging arts for social change through her activism and teaching. Her book: Finding Voice: A visual approach to engaging change, published by the University of Michigan Press was released in December 2017.


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