The making. Soldering electornic components to adhesive traces of coppper laid on a cardboard circuit.
Sincerely Yours

Orchestrating Tangible Interactive Narrative Experiences






tangible narratives, trajectories, multimodality, tangible interaction, storytelling


This paper briefly reflects on two aspects of narrative: the use of multimodal analysis to understand the relationships between the senses and the narrative, as well as digital and physical content, and the implications brought from this analytical perspective on the design of interactive narratives. The latter, in particular, concerns narratives that involve tangible interaction and physical manipulation of objects. The creative process of Letters to José, a physical-digital hybrid nonfiction narrative, exemplifies this reflection. In this narrative, the person interacting with the story takes upon multiple roles, among them performatively enacting the story and unfolding the narrative through different mechanics of play.

How to Cite

Echeverri, D. (2020). Sincerely Yours: Orchestrating Tangible Interactive Narrative Experiences. Cubic Journal, 3(3), 202–207.



Author Biography

Daniel Echeverri, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Daniel Echeverri is a Colombian graphic designer currently based in Hong Kong. He holds a master of fine arts degree in visual communication design from Kent State University, USA. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Design, where he is an interactive media programme tutor in the school’s BA faculty. His doctoral research looks at the relationship between agency, transportation and engagement in the context of interactive narrative experiences and explores possible ways in which tangible interaction can support those narratives.


Echeverri, Daniel. “Letters to José: An Interactive Physical-Digital Hybrid Nonfiction Narrative.” Website. Vimeo, December 2019.

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