Designing for the re-appropriation of public spaces by women in New Delhi, India
gender sensitive urban design, spatial activism, community building, citizen participation, stakeholder coalitionAbstract
The first attempt to reinvent the public spaces, #WomenSpatialActivism, reclaims the women’s right to the city in India. Women Spatial Activism (WSA) proposes a gender-sensitive approach to urban design in the neighbourhood of Malviya Nagar in Delhi in India, that inspires the reappropriation of the front door by an old woman, the street by a working girl and the public park by mothers. The proposal is to reclaim women’s right to the city through the recontextualisation of their public spaces which have been lost or need to be developed in urbanised India. The project has three main components: bottom-up strategic spatial interventions, the creation of a strong coalition of local stakeholders, and the use of digital technology. The hashtag #WomenSpatialActivism or #WSA aims to spread this movement through social media. The Women Spatial Activism project calls for a spatial gender agenda for an inclusive urban future for all.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Sugandha Gupta, Luisa Calabrese, Akkelies van Nes

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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