kacey wong
Design Social | Technology . Activism . Anti-Social






Design Social, Introduction, Technology, Activism, Anti-Social


The emergence of social media and the networked society, as exemplified by The Internet of Things (IoT) (Ashton 1999), generates enormous potential that repositions design as a means to synthesise emerging social complexities into new constellations. One of the ways design in this context becomes reconfigured is as the dynamic interconnections of people, practices, and artefacts. The propinquity of this lineage leads to relational rather than objectified forms of design. Such approaches tend to be process-driven rather than outcome-based, and activate design’s potential within both knowledge generation and knowledge transfer processes. This in itself can be understood as “information” or as designbefore- design and design-after-design that provides pathways for innovation in the development of new processes, systems, networked, and relational outcomes (Deforge and Cullars 1990).

How to Cite

Hasdell, P., & Bruyns, G. (2018). Design Social | Technology . Activism . Anti-Social. Cubic Journal, 1(1), 4–13. https://doi.org/10.31182/cubic.2018.1.000



Author Biographies

Peter Hasdell, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Peter Hasdell is an architect and academic who graduated from the AA and University of Sydney. He has taught and practised in more than six countries including Australia, the UK, Sweden, Canada, China and Japan and has taught in the Bartlett School London, University of East London, Columbia University NY, KTH Stockholm, Berlage Institute Rotterdam, HKU, Manitoba and other schools. Associate Dean, Associate Professor, Discipline Leader for E+I, Director of the Design Social research initiative and year 4 Capstone Coordinator. With more than 20 years of teaching, he has expertise in the fields of architecture, urbanism, participatory design, public art practices, interactive arts, environmental design and social design. His most recent publication is titled Border ecologies : Hong Kong’s mainland frontier (Birkhauser 2017).

Gerhard Bruyns, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. ir. Gerhard Bruyns is an architect and urbanist. He is Assistant Professor of Environment and Interior Design, School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. His research deals with the aspects of spatial forms and how this impacts both the formal expression of the city and societal conditions that are compressed into an urban landscape driven by speculation and excess. He has published on design strategies for neoliberal landscapes, exploring what this means for concepts as the 'square foot society' and models of urban dwelling and planning. In 2012 he coedited African Perspectives [South] Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature and Architecture (010 Publishers: Rot terdam) par t of the Delf t School of Design Publication Series. In 2015 he was co-editor of Issue #16 of Footprint: Delft Architecture Theory Journal entitled: Introduction: Commoning as Differentiated Publicness (Jap Sam Books 2015).


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